Meet our client executives

We partner with our clients to combine their needs with our knowledge to create long term investment strategies and solutions that endure.

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International business development:

Norwegian business development:



Jørgen Hjemdal

Head of Nordic Distribution

Stig Atle Haugland

Senior Client Manager

Ivar Waage

Senior Client Manager

Øyvind Moe

Senior Client Manager

Jørn Havik

Senior Client Manager


Kjetil O. Øygarden

Head of External Distribution

Kurt Hauge

External Distribution

Jon Hegdal

External Distribution

Sales Support and Analytics

Per Johan Edwinson

Head of Sales Support and Analytics

Sandra Linea Carlsson

Analytics and Business Development

Henrik Andreas Greve

Analytics and Business Development


Institutional clients

Anna Jönsson

Head of Nordic Distribution SE

Josefine Lantz

Director Institutional Clients

Tomas Littemyr

Director Institutional Clients



Martin Almblad

Head of External Distribution

Fam Evaldsson

Director External Distribution

Andreas Jonson

Director External Distribution


Urban Lavesson

Director External Distribution

Charlotte Åsberg

Director External Distribution

Sales Support and Analytics

Niklas Lindberg

Analytics and Business Development

Sebastian Sundling

Analytics and Business Development


Kim T. Andreassen

Head of Institutional clients and External distributors

Henrik Budde Gantzel

Director, Institutional clients


Otto Schauman

Head of Institutional clients

Teresa Platan

Director Institutional Clients



Spiros Alan Stathacopoulos

Director International Distribution

Philip Svendsen

Associate International Business Development


Michel Ommeganck

Client Executive

United Kingdom

Timothy Heffer

Managing Director, UK

Lauren Juliff

Climate and Sustainability Lead, UK

Tom Hoyer Millar

Director, UK Wholesale


Abigail Sheridan Toombs

Director, UK Institutional

Mehmet Ozen

UK Client Support

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the manager's skills, the fund's risk profile and management fees. The returns can be negative as a result of price losses. There is risk associated with investments in the fund due to market movements, developments in currency, interest rates, economic conditions, industry- and company-specific conditions. Before investing, customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the fund's key information and prospectus, which contains further information about the fund's characteristics and costs.