Product-based exclusions

We exclude companies that produce or distribute tobacco and recreational cannabis as well as companies with significant revenue from coal and oil sands, and unsustainable palm oil production.

We also exclude

The Storebrand Group has also chosen to exclude investments in companies within certain single product categories or industries that are unsustainable. These products or industries are associated with significant risks and liabilities from societal, environmental or health related harm. In these product categories there is also limited scope to influence companies to operate in a more sustainable way.

These companies include: 

  • Companies with more than 5 percent of revenue from tobacco
  • Companies with more than 5 percent revenue from recreational cannabis
  • Companies with more than 5 percent of revenue from coal-related activities
  • Companies with more than 5 percent of their revenue from oil sands
  • Owners of palm oil plantations with unsustainable business practices
  • Companies that deliberately and systematically work against the goals and targets enshrined in the Paris Agreement.
  • add Tobacco

    Storebrand will not invest in companies where the sale of tobacco percent, or components exclusively designed for such products, exceeds five percent of total sales. Tobacco products are defined as those entirely or partly made from tobacco leaf and our exclusion applies to producers and distributors as well as companies involved in the cultivating or processing of tobacco.

  • add Recreational cannabis

    Storebrand will not invest in companies where the sale of cannabis products for recreational use, or components exclusively designed for such products, exceeds 5 percent of total sales. The criterion applies to producers and distributors as well as companies involved in the cultivating or processing of cannabis for recreational use. The criterion does not apply to income from cannabis products that are not classified as recreational.

  • add Coal

    Storebrand will not invest in companies with more than 5 percent of their revenue from coal-related activities.Companies are also excluded if they produce over 20 million tons of coal annually or operate more than 10,000 MW of coal-fired capacity. Storebrand also exclude companies that have new coal fired power plants > 1000MW of capacity under construction.

  • add Oil sands

    Storebrand excludes companies with more than 5 percent revenue from oil sands.

  • add Palm oil

    The Storebrand Group will not invest in companies that are involved in severe and/or systematic unsustainable palm oil production.

  • add Lobbying

    Storebrand will not invest in companies that deliberately and systematically work against the goals and targets enshrined in the Paris Agreement.

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the manager's skills, the fund's risk profile and management fees. The returns can be negative as a result of price losses. There is risk associated with investments in the fund due to market movements, developments in currency, interest rates, economic conditions, industry- and company-specific conditions. Before investing, customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the fund's key information and prospectus, which contains further information about the fund's characteristics and costs.