How to invest

Information about how, as a professional investor, you can trade funds with us.

Institutional clients trade funds by submitting order forms to fax number (+47) 23 31 71 12 or

Important assumptions

The cut-off for trading is normally at 15:00 if the trade is to be carried out on the same day. Subscription also requires that the settlement is received (value-dated) on our settlement account.

International tax reporting (FATCA and CRS)

Storebrand is required to obtain a self-declaration when creating new accounts with mandatory reporting. This is subject to the agreement that Norway has signed with both the USA (through the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act — FATCA) and the OECD member states (through the Common Reporting Standard — CRS).

The purpose is to obtain information to determine whether our clients have tax liability in countries other than Norway. This means that Storebrand and other Norwegian financial institutions are required to identify clients with tax liability in countries other than Norway and to provide the account information to the Norwegian tax authorities, who will pass the data on to the other countries' tax authorities. Read more about FATCA and CRS at

For professional investors:

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. Future returns will depend, among other things, on market developments, the manager's skills, the fund's risk profile and management fees. The returns can be negative as a result of price losses. There is risk associated with investments in the fund due to market movements, developments in currency, interest rates, economic conditions, industry- and company-specific conditions. Before investing, customers are advised to familiarize themselves with the fund's key information and prospectus, which contains further information about the fund's characteristics and costs.