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  • Business and Investor Sign on Letter Calling on the EU to Set a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target of at least 90% by 2040

    Organiser: Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership – Corporate Leaders Groups
    Date: 21 March, 2024
    Topic: In an open letter coordinated by CLG Europe, CEOs, leading businesses, investors, networks and SMEs across the EU, call on the EU to set a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 90% by 2040. This science-based target reflects the urgency and benefits of near-term action. Businesses and investors stress that a robust target will bring economic opportunities and competitiveness benefits while increasing energy security for citizens and businesses. They argue that the target, and climate more broadly, should be considered as a central element of the EU’s overall strategy to achieve these objectives.

    According to the signatories, the EU should:

    • Integrate the target into a comprehensive industrial strategy, guided by a ‘competitive sustainability’ approach, allowing the EU to lead the global race of development of sustainable industrial ecosystems and industries.
    • Place the target at the centre of the EU’s overall strategy to enhance energy security by accelerating the clean energy transition and energy efficiency, and phasing out fossil fuels.
    • Build on the legacy of the Green Deal and effective implementation of the Fit for 55 Package.
    • Harness the opportunities presented by the circular economy and eco-design to tackle emissions stemming from the production of materials.
    • Create a clear signal to businesses and national governments of the importance in investing in nature-based solutions and the transition to a nature positive economy.
    • Set a robust target that will allow the EU to play a leading role to phase out fossil fuels, triple the rate of deployment of renewables and double energy efficiency rates globally.

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    Investor Statement in support of digital rights regulations: EU Artificial Intelligence Act 

    Organiser: Investor Alliance for Human Rights
    Date: 15 February, 2023
    Topic: A collective investor statement organized by the Investor Alliance for Human Rights, on behalf of 149 investors representing over US$1.66 trillion (Euro €1.55 trillion) in assets under management and advisement. The statement calls on the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union to ensure that the proposed EU Artificial Intelligence Act protects the rights of all people and does not limit or jeopardize civic freedoms and democratic processes. In the statement, the group urges the incorporation of three, detailed recommendations to the proposed AI Act:

    • Adopt Meaningful Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) Requirements for Developing & Deploying AI Systems 
    • Expand the Publicly Viewable Database Requirements to AI Users to Ensure Meaningful Transparency
    • Mandate Stakeholder & Rightsholder Participation


    Investor statement for living wages for US workers

    Organiser: Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
    Date: 15 November, 2023
    Topic: Investor statement calling on US companies to pay living wages to their direct and contract workers, which is recognised as a human right by the International Labor Organization. Investors state that paying sub-living wages to workers exposes companies to significant financial and reputational risks, while fuelling systemic challenges, including social and economic unrest, that work against the interests of long-term investors.


    Investor letter to Dollar General 

    Organiser: Domini Impact Investments
    Date: 2 November, 2023
    Topic: A shareholder proposal requesting an independent audit on the impact of Dollar General Corporation's policies and practices on the safety and wellbeing of workers. Following a majority of investors voting in favour of the proposal in May 2023 at the Dollar General Annual Meeting, the company has not yet provided any information about following up on it. Concerned investors therefore are reiterating their concern, and encouraging the board and the company to urgently implement the actions and disclose progress.


    Investor Support for the New York Tropical Deforestation-Free Procurement Act 

    Organiser: Domini Impact Investments
    Date: 15 May, 2023
    Topic: A proposed New York State law, the Tropical Deforestation-Free Procurement Act (S4859/A5682 Krueger/Zebrowski). The law would tighten an existing state ban on using tropical hardwoods for government projects and create a new statute requiring state contractors dealing in “forest-risk commodities” to certify that their products don’t drive deforestation in sensitive tropical regions. Key forest-risk commodities covered by the law include soy, cattle-derived products, palm oil, wood products, and others.
    Addressee: Members of the New York State Legislature


    Investor Statement In Support of Robust Forced Labour Regulations

    Organiser: Investor Alliance for Human Rights
    Date: 21 March 2023
    Topic: The EU’s Proposed Forced Labor Product Ban (proposed regulation): a legislative proposal to prohibit products made with forced labor from entering the European Union (EU) market.
    Addressee: EU Commission and EU Parliament


    Investor letter for UK Human Rights Due Diligence

    Organiser: corporate Justice Coalition
    Date: 31 August 2022
    Topic: Seeking the establishment of a ‘Business, Human Rights and Environment Act’ - ambitious UK primary legislation to mandate companies to carry out human rights and environmental due diligence across their own operations and value chains.
    Addressee: UK Government

    Read the press release


    Open letter to Brazilian embassy

    Organiser: Investor Initiative for Sustainable Forests, plus additional financial insitutions
    Date: 07 July 2020
    Topic: Combating deforestation
    Addressee: Brazilian embassy

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