Policies and guidelines
Find formal documents and regulatory declarations on how we manage sustainability within our investment processes.
About our policies and guidelines
Our policies and guidelines are applied based the formal structure of our business, in which the Storebrand Group contains several companies, including Storebrand Asset Management. In turn, Storebrand Asset Management contains several operating entities such as Storebrand Asset Management, Skagen, and Cubera Private Equity, among others.
The fundamental principles around Storebrand Asset Management's entire approach to sustainable investments are anchored in the Storebrand Group's Sustainable Investment Policy. These principles apply to all operating entities of Storebrand Asset Management.
Based on that foundation, Storebrand Asset Management's detailed operational approach to specific themes within sustainability, such as on nature, climate, deforestation and human rights, is documented a further set of thematic and operational policy documents. These documents apply to all operating entities within Storebrand Asset Management Group
Across all of Storerband Asset Management, documented formal guidelines specify how we handle specific responsibilities such as risk & integration, engagement, voting, exclusions & screening; and on specific reguilatory requirements such as PAIs and the EU SFDR.
Each individual entity within Storebrand Asset Management Group, also has its own set of documented routines based on the guidelines.